Rendering Pencil Portraits One Stroke at a Time 

Commission Drawing Pricing Starting at:


$500.00 Deposit Required to start drawing

Before any commission drawing is started and the deposit and reference photos are in place, I will create a thumbnail image from what I consider to be the best photo from what you sent me to use for the final drawing piece. 

All commission drawings will start only after client responds and agrees to the thumbnail image presented.

Estimate will include:

1) $500.00 Deposit 

2) Balance will Include any expenses required to complete projects; including travel, lodging, per diem, photography, extra materials, and shipping costs incurred

3) Balance will be paid upon completion of the drawing

Minimum price for any drawing is $2000.00

Reference Photos

 I can only work form reference photographs that meet the highest resolution standards. Digital photos with a minimum 300 DPI can be used. This means if I use the commonly used photo sizes of 4X5 and 5X7,  I will need these photos digitized at a minimum size of 1200px (Pixels) X 1500px for 4X5 photos, and 1500px X 2100px for 5X7 photos. 

All photos will have to then be saved at a minimum of 300 DPI (Dots Per Inch.)

Photography Service

If you live near Portland and Salem, Oregon, vicinities, I can come to you and personally take photos for the drawing. I will include this service in the deposit price for a drawing.

Any added travel outside Portland and Salem, Oregon, vicinities, including lodging, per diem, reproductions, or other special materials incurred for drawing projects, is at the expense of the client, and final total balance of the project will be paid before the drawing is shipped.


Insured shipping cost for the artwork will be added to the final drawing price, and final drawing balance will be paid by the client before the final artwork is shipped.

Original artwork shipped only with a final shipping price. Any added items shipped with the artwork that changes the final shipping price are also the responsibility of the client.

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